About: Richmond Cariaga

Posts by Richmond Cariaga:

What Is Cardiac Fatigue?

Your heart is a muscle that can get worn out and underperform just like any other muscle in your body. When this happens, you experience something called cardiac fatigue.  Cardiac fatigue is an umbrella term that can be connected to many different conditions. Depending on your diagnosis and pre-existing health conditions, it may pop up […]

women doing echo test on a patient

How Long Does an Echo Test Take? What to Expect

Has your cardiologist called you in for an echo test? You might be feeling nervous or unsure. That’s normal, and we’re here to give you the information you need to feel confident going into the test.  Echocardiograms are important for determining your heart’s function and health. Learn more about this valuable test and what to […]

elderly women doing exercises that promotes a healthy heart

3 Types of Exercise That Increase Heart Health

The human heart is a muscle. Like any other muscle, it gets stronger with regular use and healthy amounts of stress training.  Your body couldn’t survive without your heart. It’s important to take care of one of your most important organs. You can do this with regular cardiovascular exercise and strength training.  Don’t know where […]

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Hicksville, NY

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