Cardiovascular Health Blog

women doing echo test on a patient

How Long Does an Echo Test Take? What to Expect

Has your cardiologist called you in for an echo test? You might be feeling nervous or unsure. That’s normal, and we’re here to give you the information you need to feel confident going into the test.  Echocardiograms are important for determining your heart’s function and health. Learn more about this valuable test and what to […]

elderly women doing exercises that promotes a healthy heart

3 Types of Exercise That Increase Heart Health

The human heart is a muscle. Like any other muscle, it gets stronger with regular use and healthy amounts of stress training.  Your body couldn’t survive without your heart. It’s important to take care of one of your most important organs. You can do this with regular cardiovascular exercise and strength training.  Don’t know where […]

elderly woman hugging granddaughter wanting to learn about heart health during the holiday season

A Cardiologist’s Guide to a Healthy and Hearty Holiday Season

When the holiday season draws near, it means celebrating with loved ones, eating delicious food, and indulging in drinks. As great as the holiday season is, it can put a strain on your heart. Holiday foods can be very rich, and alcoholic drinks can affect your blood pressure. If you want to have a great […]

aspirin for heart disease

Myths and Facts About Aspirin Therapy for Heart Disease

In the United States, approximately 82.6 million people have some form of heart disease. For those who have a high risk of serious cardiovascular issues, like heart attacks, aspirin therapy may be a recommended treatment. But does aspirin help, or is that one more of the heart disease myths out there? Learn the truth about […]

  • Posted on: Nov 29 2023
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heart murmur

Decoding Heart Murmurs: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Heart murmurs are common conditions, and the majority of them are harmless. They’re particularly normal in children, who then outgrow the condition, with only a small percentage carrying the murmur into adulthood. In some instances, however, heart murmurs can develop later in life and point to a more serious issue.  So how can you determine […]

  • Posted on: Oct 20 2023
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woman who is aging and is needs a cardiologist to look at her heart health

Heart Health and Aging: How to Protect Your Heart as You Grow Older

Cardiovascular conditions affect 121.5 million adults in the United States, with the majority of them impacting people over the age of 65.  Your heart ages along with the rest of your body, leading to the development or worsening of conditions that can lower your quality of life — or put that life at risk. However, […]

woman taking a stress test

Cardiac Tests Explained: From EKGs to Stress Tests and Beyond

To evaluate your heart’s health, we rely on the most trusted cardiac tests, including EKGs and stress tests. Both measure functions of your heart, allowing us to get an idea of how efficiently the organ is working or whether there are problems we need to address. We often recommend these tests if we are concerned […]

woman taking stress test

Can a Stress Test Show a Blockage?

The most common type of heart disease, coronary artery disease, is a blockage of the arteries that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart. It affects 18.2 million people in the United States. One of the most trusted methods of determining whether you have coronary artery disease is to have a stress test. What can […]

heart doctor

When Should I Go to a Specialist for Heart Care?

Cardiovascular diseases affect nearly half of all American adults. The danger these diseases pose makes it crucial to recognize the signs that you may need help from specialists. Learn what services a cardiologist can offer and how to know if it is time to reach out for heart care.  What a Cardiologist Offers A cardiologist […]

man with heart disease

7 Strategies to Prevent Heart Disease

Approximately 82.6 million people in the United States have some form of heart disease. It’s one of the leading causes of death worldwide, affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. There are ways of preventing this condition, however. Here are some of the most important strategies to consider. 1. Maintain a Healthy Weight People who […]

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