Category Archives: Heart Health

Veins with a blood clot inside

What Is Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)?

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a common but serious type of blood clot that forms in a deep vein, usually in the legs. DVT blood clots can also develop in a person’s arms, pelvis, or other areas. After heart attacks and strokes, DVT is the third leading cause of cardiovascular-related deaths. The Symptoms of Deep […]

Lady holding her chest due to congestive heart failure

What Are the Four Stages of Congestive Heart Failure?

If you or your loved one have been diagnosed with systolic congestive heart failure, you may be feeling a significant amount of stress about the future. Taking a deep breath and understanding that you have treatment options to help your heart can help you as you move forward.  Being diagnosed with congestive heart failure doesn’t […]

blood work to look at heart problems for a patient in nassau county

Will Blood Work Show Heart Problems?

Checking your bloodwork is an effective way to understand your heart health. Several different types of blood tests, including cholesterol tests, can help you understand your risk factors for heart problems. Blood tests are relatively non-invasive and can be a quick, affordable way to show heart problems. A blood test alone won’t be able to […]

person who has cardiac fatigue in nassau county

What Is Cardiac Fatigue?

Your heart is a muscle that can get worn out and underperform just like any other muscle in your body. When this happens, you experience something called cardiac fatigue.  Cardiac fatigue is an umbrella term that can be connected to many different conditions. Depending on your diagnosis and pre-existing health conditions, it may pop up […]

elderly women doing exercises that promotes a healthy heart

3 Types of Exercise That Increase Heart Health

The human heart is a muscle. Like any other muscle, it gets stronger with regular use and healthy amounts of stress training.  Your body couldn’t survive without your heart. It’s important to take care of one of your most important organs. You can do this with regular cardiovascular exercise and strength training.  Don’t know where […]

elderly woman hugging granddaughter wanting to learn about heart health during the holiday season

A Cardiologist’s Guide to a Healthy and Hearty Holiday Season

When the holiday season draws near, it means celebrating with loved ones, eating delicious food, and indulging in drinks. As great as the holiday season is, it can put a strain on your heart. Holiday foods can be very rich, and alcoholic drinks can affect your blood pressure. If you want to have a great […]

heart murmur

Decoding Heart Murmurs: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Heart murmurs are common conditions, and the majority of them are harmless. They’re particularly normal in children, who then outgrow the condition, with only a small percentage carrying the murmur into adulthood. In some instances, however, heart murmurs can develop later in life and point to a more serious issue.  So how can you determine […]

  • Posted on: Oct 20 2023
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woman who is aging and is needs a cardiologist to look at her heart health

Heart Health and Aging: How to Protect Your Heart as You Grow Older

Cardiovascular conditions affect 121.5 million adults in the United States, with the majority of them impacting people over the age of 65.  Your heart ages along with the rest of your body, leading to the development or worsening of conditions that can lower your quality of life — or put that life at risk. However, […]

man taking a echocardiogram

How to Prepare for an Echocardiogram

The echocardiogram is one of the most commonly performed, non-invasive cardiac diagnostic tools, with 25 million of them performed worldwide each year. It is a procedure that uses sound waves to detect heart conditions and can be part of annual physical exams or scheduled if a patient has symptoms of heart disease.  If you need […]

  • Posted on: Apr 27 2023
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stress test

3 Important Facts About Stress Tests

One vital non-invasive diagnostic tool cardiologists and other medical professionals have used for decades to help detect heart conditions is the stress test. A stress test can display how your heart functions during exercise, providing the physician with the information they need to offer the right treatment options for patients. If you need to have […]

  • Posted on: Feb 15 2023
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